Goldiez Den

Goldiez Hideout in Cyberspace

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Location: New Delhi, India

Thursday, December 25, 2008

More twisted PJs

How do you introduce Omkarnath Aggarwal and Lakhveer Singh Bhatia ?

"O.A" - Lucky; Lucky - "O.A"


If A cant do it, B cant do it either, and C, D, E and F also cant do it  - whom do you turn to ?

G - coz "G" karda, mera "G' karda ...


Aamir Khan's latest movie has been declared a runaway hit. 

Question is - whom did it run-away with ????

Akshay Kumar's Jumbo (go figure)


Brand new PJs

In all Hindi soaps, why is the grandmother or the matriarch of the family always worshipped by everyone else ???

Coz - "Baa"-Khuda tumhi ho ....


A man walks into a massage shop, gets an appointment with a pretty masseuse, and proceeds inside a room for the massage. 

An hour passes ... and another .....

Finally, when the door opens, everyone rushes in and congratulates both of them. 

Why ??

Coz - "Rub" ne bana di jodi


Once upon a time there was a girl, very pretty but slightly plump.

She disappeared for a while. 

When he returned - what did everyone say ???

"Gol"-"Maal" returns....
